Purposely Starved Puppy Sniffed 1st Meal And Didn’t Know It Was Food

When a local rescue group was called by a concerned neighbor, nothing could’ve prepared them for what they’d find. The neighbor complained about incessant crying coming from the yard down the street.

What she didn’t realize was how important her call would be. If it weren’t for her, the puppy named Baby Cay (or Cay for short), wouldn’t have survived.

Baby Cay was roughly 6 months old. He was forced to live in a dilapidated structure in the yard. The poor puppy was chained up by callous owners and then forgotten about.

By the time rescuers arrived, the dog was so emaciated and weak, he could hardly stand up. The animal lovers’ hearts broke. Who could be so cruel?

They gave Baby Cay his first real meal in so long. He sniffed the food as if he didn’t even know what it was. After they let him eat, it was time to head to the vet clinic and get this baby some help.

The rescuers already knew that getting Cay healthy would be a long road. They only hoped his recovery was possible.

Once at the vet, Cay had no idea what was going on but little by little, he began to realize these were kind people who only wanted to help him. They spoke so nicely to him and gave him treats.

Cay’s skin was in horrible condition. His mange had gotten so bad that his skin was infected. The poor baby needed topical medication, medicated baths, and oral antibiotics.

The vet also realized that Cay’s legs were bent from being chained in that little shed that was so cramped. Being starved only added to the problem. Hopefully, this could be addressed with physical therapy.

Meanwhile, Cay just wanted to keep eating, which was an excellent sign! The vet was confident that he could go to a medical foster home so long as he came back every few days.

Baby Cay had never been inside a home before. It was a whole new experience for him. To finally be warm and loved… that was totally foreign.

But Baby Cay would have to get used to it. Those cruel days were long behind him. Cay was given a cute shirt to keep him warm and his very own toy.

With consistent medical treatment, a healthy diet, and a ton of love, Cay began to transform. His fur began to grow back in. He was finally happy and felt safe.

Cay’s journey was far from over, though. He ran into some obstacles on his way to becoming a truly healthy dog– but those obstacles only made Cay more of a warrior.

To say Cay is one brave, amazing dog is an understatement. Wait until you see Baby Cay now! The ending of this video still gives us the chills!

We are so grateful for Cay’s rescue. You will be too. Check it out below!

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