Wounded Stray Overlooked Till Sundown Thanks The Only Person Who Cared To Stop

Stray animals struggle on a daily basis. They have to worry about finding adequate food and shelter. Moreover, they have to contend with strangers and dangerous situations.

When one stray dog went looking for food, he was tragically hit by a car. But because of where this took place, in an area where strays are overlooked, the poor dog just laid there all alone suffering.

The impact had severely damaged his leg. He was also bleeding from his mouth and nose. The sun began to set and he was still lying there, dying a painful and slow death.

But thankfully, by some miracle, a kind person finally stopped their vehicle in order to help the dog. She took out her cell phone and called up a local rescue. They agreed to come as quickly as they could.

The poor boy was desperate and it broke the woman’s heart. She tried to calm him down and tell him help was on the way.

The rescue group arrived on the scene and could tell that this dog was seriously injured. He needed to get to the vet clinic as soon as possible. They carefully loaded him up into their vehicle.

Once at the vet, the dog began to calm down a bit. He began to understand that these humans were there to help him.

The vet administered IV fluids and pain medication and then addressed his wounds. His leg was severely broken and he wasn’t certain he could save it.

The sweet dog was bandaged up and was able to get some sleep. The next morning, the vet re-examined his leg and determined that with the risk of infection, the dog’s leg had to be amputated.

Since it was his front leg, they were concerned that he wouldn’t adjust well but they prayed that this boy would make it through.

After a successful surgery, the brave dog woke up surrounded by caring people. The rescuers came to see him every single day! He bonded with one of them who then decided to foster him.

The vet said once he was medically cleared, he could go home! The stray who was used to living on the streets would never have to fend for himself again!

The rescuer became quite attached to the pup and decided to adopt him! He is now happily living in his forever home being spoiled rotten.

We are so grateful to the woman who stopped to help the dog and for the rescue group. We also want to give a big shout out to the amazing medical team!

To see the dog’s nail-biting rescue, check out the video below.

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