What Piqué Would Have Done with the Money from Neymar’s Transfer

Gerard Piqué, former defender and legend of FC Barcelona, still recalls the controversial departure of Neymar from the Blaugrana club. What Piqué can’t forgive is how the money from Neymar’s sale to Paris Saint-Germain was managed.

In a live stream with popular streamer Ibai Llanos, the current president of the Kings League compared Neymar’s situation to the “Figo Case,” where the Portuguese player “betrayed” Barcelona to join Real Madrid, leaving a significant sum of money for the club.

“We received 222 million euros for Neymar and spent 400 million on three players. It’s the same thing that happened with Figo 15 years ago. He went to Madrid for 60 million, and we spent it on three players. Those players, in both cases, it doesn’t matter their names, you’ll always overpay because the clubs know you have money,” Piqué explained.

Furthermore, the former center-back dared to reveal what he would have done with that money: renovating Camp Nou, just as Real Madrid did with the Santiago Bernabéu. “What would I have done with the Neymar money? The stadium. We would have it completed like Madrid, but we got heated and spent it on players…”