“Unique Love Story Unfolds: Conjoined Sisters Share a Life and Love With the Same Man”(Video.)

00:23 COMM.

They’ve spent their lives believing they would only have each other, But now, conjoined twins, Ganga and Jamuna Mondal have found a partner who is ready to offer the pair all the love and support they need.

00:54 Comm.

The 45-year-old sisters met Jasimuddin seven months ago.

The thirty-six year old works as a part time sound man while the sisters perform in a travelling circus.

01:20 Comm.

The sisters are joined at the abdomen and pelvis, have four arms, three legs.

They share a stomach but have two hearts, two kidneys and one liver, And they have to work together to complete even the simplest tasks.

Whilst respecting their independence.

Jasimuddin tries to provide support.

01:49 COMM.

When they’re away from the paying public, they enjoy watching films and sharing stories.

02:03 COMM And the trio have forged a close bond.

02:19 COMM.

Their relationship may have only just begun, but the trio hope it will last forever.