Tipsy Elephants Take a Stumble: Hilarious Scenes from South African Park

Inebriated: Witness the aftermath of a herd of young elephants indulging in a fruit notorious for its intoxicating effects on large mammals.

Down Below: The marula fruit, famed for its sweet, tart, and refreshing taste, packs a punch when eaten after ripening and falling to the ground.

Witnessed: Ross Couper, a field guide at Singita Kruger National Park in South Africa, observed the elephants beginning to stagger and tumble over each other.

Uncommon Sight: Observers were astounded as the youngsters showed signs of being somewhat drunk, Mr. Couper remarked.

Feeling the Effects, Pal? If you replaced the creatures with humans, it’s the scenario you might witness on a Friday night in Newcastle or Cardiff.

Vast Amounts: Adult elephants can devour over 700 of these fruits if they consume nothing else throughout the day.

Topping Over: This year, a bountiful harvest of marula fruit tumbled, presenting an irresistible delight for a herd of young elephants.

Resting Away: It’s believed that the peculiar behavior may result from consuming beetle pupae dwelling in the bark of marula trees.