Terrifying moment enraged bull elephant tries to flip bus full of frightened safari tourists during stand-off on South African road

This is the terrifying moment a furious bull elephant lifts a bus of helpless safari tourists into the air with its tusks before dramatically slamming them back down to the ground not once – but twice.

Cowering passengers can be heard crying as the driver loudly screams at the huge beast at Pilanesberg National Park near Johannesburg, South Africa to back away from the vehicle.

Despite the tour guide loudly yelling at the animal to ‘move, move’ whilst smacking the side of his open-sided truck – the elephant was not deterred, stamping its feet at the tourists hoping to embark on their safari tour.

Going in for a second round, the 11- foot creature let out a loud trumpet before he positioned his huge tusks underneath the vehicle nearly toppling it as he pulled it sky-high.

In the clip that emerged online on March 19, the enraged elephant then backs away from the bus, flapping its wide ears vigorously.

A furious elephant (pictured) nearly toppled an open-sided tour bus in Pilanesberg National Park, South Africa not once – but twice

In the terrifying footage the drive could be heard yelling at the beast to ‘move’ before the elephant went in for a second round – nearly toppling the truckload of tourist

The 11-foot bull elephant was less than keen about the tourists coming to see his home, ferociously slamming them back down to earth

Angry elephants are known to have widened eyes, as well as spread ears when approaching a perceived threat according to Asiliaa Africa.

The terrified driver attempts to reverse away from the disgruntled tusker who appears to be heading for a third battle with the truckload of tourists.

But as the animal approaches for round three, the driver clasps his palms together and pleads: ‘No. Enough, enough, enough, enough.’

As he attempts to make a quick getaway, the furious animal keeps his eyes locked on the vehicle until it makes the footage ends.

No one aboard the vehicle was injured as a result of the incident, according to local media.

Wildlife officials have previously warned drivers and tour operators to always give way to animals and to be especially careful around breeding herds.

This comes shortly after two tourists were left running for their lives from a rampaging elephant in India.

One unfortunate tourist tripped and fell – and he was almost trampled by the best.

The two men got out of their car to pose for a selfie with the elephant on the side of the road on January 31.

The elephant, who was ambling along the National Highway 766 that passes through Bandipur National Park in southern India suddenly went berserk and charged at the pair.

The elephant sent the driver and his passengers flying during the petrifying altercation

A faint crying could be heard among the cowering passengers as they were sent soaring into the sky by the animal

The elephant, whose ears were widened and feet were stamping, appeared to be going in for a third round as the driver pleaded with the animal

As they bus made its getaway, the weary animal kept an eye on the safari tourists

A dramatic video shows the tourists running for their lives as the huge elephant charges towards them.

The two men sprint down the road as a third person drives the red car alongside them.

Just as the selfie-snappers appear to be out-running the crazed animal, one trips and falls leaving him at the mercy of the elephant who tramples him underfoot.

The man avoids the blows from the animal and crawls away towards the forest to escape as the elephant turns around and runs back across the road towards an oncoming car.