Quiet Cat Finally Uses His Voice — And Says Something That No One Expected

“We were all shocked …”

This is Pipoy — a handsome cat who, for whatever reason, has never been a very vocal cat. At home with his owner, Ladeen Lacambra, Pipoy makes nary a peep.

“He’s 1 year old,” Lacambra told The Dodo. “For as long as we’ve had him, we haven’t heard him create any sound.”

Despite being a quiet cat, Pipoy is far from shy. He loves giving and receiving affection, and delighting his family with his amusing antics.

“Pipoy is such a sweet boy,” Lacambra said. “He’s funny. Pipoy loves belly rubs.”

The quiet cat, however, recently broke his silence.

The other day, Lacambra’s brother’s girlfriend decided to drop by their house with her own cat, hoping that she and Pipoy might become friends.

This was the first time Pipoy had met another cat — and the first time his family had ever heard him decide to use his voice.

It wasn’t the kind of “meow” that anyone had been expecting:

Rather than make a meowing sound, Pipoy let out sounds that sounded strikingly like “hi.”

“We were all shocked that Pipoy kept saying ‘hi’ instead of ‘meow,’” Lacambra said. “That’s why we were laughing really hard.”

It was a gentle greeting, one that sounded as sweet as Pipoy’s charming personality.

Unfortunately, even in light of Pipoy’s uncanny attempts at an introduction, the other cat wasn’t as open to a new friendship: “She’s kind of aloof,” Lacambra said.

Still, the encounter inspired something in him — the urge to speak.

“That’s the first time and, sadly, the last time we’ve heard his voice,” Lacambra said.