Proof aliens exist AND visited Earth? Mystery surrounding ancient extra-long skull

ABIZARRELY shaped humanoid skull discovered with the remains of an ancient woman has sparked fresh theories aliens have visited earth.

Photos have emerged of an eerie elongated head after it was found by archeologists in central Russia’s Chelyabinsk Oblast region.

The skeleton of the woman, estimated to be 2,000 years old, prompted alien enthusiasts to flock to the scene.

They hold it up as proof aliens exit and they visited earth, but scientists have dismissed the claims and instead theories the strange shape was caused by binding.

Archaeological museum head Maria Makurova, who analysed the remains, said: “Her skull was elongated because the tribe did so by tying up the heads of their children with rope.

“It was clearly a tradition in the tribe.

“Most likely this is a woman who lived 1,800 to 2,000 years ago.”

She added further tests would be carried out to determine the exact age and further details about the woman.

Also found in the same dog was an iron knife, ceramic whorls, small beads and fragments of a small jug.

It is not the first for strange skulls to be discovered, as last year researchers made a similar discovery of an egg-shaped skull.

Found on the site of a formal burial ground, the well-preserved skeleton of a nomad was discovered alongside the remains of two other men.

All the bodies were found to belong to Sarmatians, an ancient tribe which lived in what is modern day Ukraine, Kazakhstan and southern Russia.

It is believed that the tribe deliberately altered the shape of skulls by tying them down, elongating them to make it a distance feature of their people.