Owner Moves Out Of Apartment & Leaves Friendly Dog Behind To Die

One of the worst things a person can do to a dog is to leave him behind after they move out of a residence. That’s exactly what happened to an innocent pup whose owner left him behind at a housing complex.

Maybe the person didn’t have the time or resources for the poor dog, but they could have taken him to a shelter.

Instead, they left the poor animal all alone with nothing to eat, drink, and nowhere to go.

A good Samaritan found the pup in such an emaciated state of health that he was barely recognizable.

Fortunately, he was taken to a rescue group for urgent help at a veterinarian.

At first, he was too afraid to eat food even though he was starving. However, he did show an interest in water, which was a good start.

Vets began the slow and steady process of examining him, grooming him, and getting him checked out. As his sickly little body shook in fear, the sweet pup would need time to trust humans again.

He was given blood transfusions, which helped immensely, as the pup began to show some strength and signs of wanting to eat on his own.

As time went on and he put on a few pounds, he even began to walk and wag his tail. The staff at the clinic shed tears of joy seeing his recovery.

They named the pup Mas, and he has been adopted by a wonderful person. These days, he plays with other dogs, has a full coat of fur, and has regained complete health.

We love knowing that Mas will be okay and will never be neglected or abused again. For more about his incredible story, please watch the video below.

We remind our readers to get in touch with local animal control or a local rescue if you can no longer care for your pets.

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