Mystery: 600-million-year-old tiny human fossils found in Antarctica

Ateam of paleontologists have found two fossilized skeletons of a tiny human race in the Whitmore Mountains, Antarctica. It is remarkable that these skeletons are up to 600 million years old. 

According to  The National Reporter , a team of US paleontologists stumbled upon these fossils while searching for evidence that dinosaurs lived in Antarctica before the continent split from Africa and South America, then drifted south to its present location.

The fossils they found surprised them, beyond imagination, not only because of their shape but also because of their age.

“We examined the fossils and determined that they are at least 600 million years old,” said Dr Marly of the University of Cambridge, one of the research team  .

Dr Marly added:  ’The first skeleton we found was hidden deep within the layers of a large sedimentary rock that broke off from the mountainside. Given the type of rock and its age, we’re pretty sure it will most likely contain some fossils.”

“When we proceeded to split open the rock, we were completely baffled by what we saw. Compared to the time when vertebrate fossils appeared, this fossil is millions of years old. It is a complete skeleton. Moreover, it is a human skeleton.”

“The second skeleton is a very good specimen for research. Unlike the first set, the second skeleton  is in a fully straightened position with great detail . ”

“It is clear from our data on these skeletons that they are definitely human and not a primate,” said Marly  . Who they are, how large their population is, and whether their technology is advanced is still a mystery.”

The fossils were then transferred to the National University Research Institute in Washington DC for further analysis.

The  National Reporter  also emphasizes that these tiny fossil human skeletons are not alien remains.

If you follow Darwin’s theory of evolution, 600 million years ago jellyfish began to appear on Earth, then humans did not exist. Not even dinosaurs appeared. So why these strange human skeletons?

Not only that, this is not the first time that tiny human bones have been found on Earth. Previously, the remains and relics related to this small human race have been discovered in many places, surprising people.

Other evidences of elves

In 2003, in an abandoned city in the Atacama desert in Chile, Oscar Munoz discovered a tiny human skeleton with a strange shape, only 13 cm long.

The skeleton was then sent for testing at Stanford University. The results showed that this tiny mummy was not a fake, nor a baby fetus, but belonged to some unknown race of tiny humans.

The special thing is that this mummy is still completely intact, with bone marrow and internal organs such as lungs and part of the heart. Only the whole body dried up. Test results show that this person has a life expectancy of about 6-8 years.

Another case is in 1932, Cecil Main and Frank Carr made a sho‌cking discovery while digging for gold in the San Pedro Mountains, Wyoming, USA. It was to find the mummy of a dwarf.

This mummy sits upright, about 18cm tall, has a flat skull, dark skin. Based on the size and characteristics of this mummy, some have speculated that it could be a member of the legendary Nimerigar tribe in America.

Not only discovered the remains of elves, in 1946, Iranian archaeologists also found a city of dwarves dating back 5,000 years. This monument is located inside the city of Shahdad, in Kerman province, Iran.

During the period 1948 – 1956, many excavations were carried out here. After excavation, people discovered many cemeteries, copper furnaces, and countless ceramic and bronze relics from the 2nd and 3rd millennia BC.

In addition, in the citadel, there are many shops, residential areas in which are inhabited by goldsmiths, craftsmen and farmers… More than 800 ancient tombs have been excavated.

Surveys also revealed that its inhabitants had fled the area due to a drought 5,000 years ago and never returned.

After the discovery of the city of the dwarves in Shahdad, there was also news of the discovery of a dwarf remains. Someone has discovered a dwarf mummy with a height of 25 cm. Later, the Kerman Provincial Cultural Heritage Board and the police coordinated to determine the status of this mummy. The results showed that the mummy belonged to a 17-year-old person.

These discoveries pose a great challenge to Darwin’s theory of evolution, at the same time reveal the true existence of beings we once thought only existed in fiction, as well as raise questions about the origin of human beings. the origin of mankind.