Miserable Dog Was Strangled By Heavy Chain For Years, Starved & Ignored By Owner

Staff at Kopek velisi, a dog shelter in Turkey, heard cries from a street below and went to check it out.

They were shocked to discover a dog who was tied to a tree outside with an extremely heavy chain. His owner ignored him and never fed him.

The poor dog was just sitting there, waiting for someone to help.

He was very timid and nervous, but quickly realized that these people were there to help him.

Rescuers went to talk with his owner, but unfortunately the owner didn’t want to surrender him, despite not ever paying any attention to him.

Rescuers didn’t give up and came back on a different day with a water bottle and some food to give him. They gently fed him and tried to build trust his trust.

Despite how miserable he was, he still wagged his tail to greet them.

Thankfully, rescuers were finally able to set him free and bring him to their clinic.

He was nervous at first about being in the car for the first time, but it wasn’t long before they arrived at the vet.

After receiving a full medical exam, he got a much-needed bath and was brought to their shelter, where he finally gets to sleep comfortably and is well-taken care of.

He is already so much happier and enjoys all of the attention.

He will be spoiled at this shelter until he finds his forever home. Then he will have a loving family who will care for him the rest of his life.

He won’t ever have to worry about being ignored or chained up ever again!

Watch his journey in the video below:

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