Meet the white-browed tit-warbler, the bird with a beautiful rainbow coloring

There are so many really beautiful birds in the world. Some have a plummage so stunning and colorful that it’s hard to believe they’re even real.

Like this bird, who looks majestic with its rainbow coloring… although you wouldn’t know it from its rather silly name.

Meet the white-browed tit-warbler:

These unique birds tend to have purple-blue bodies, with a brown top and a pale-colored brow.

Why the person naming the bird focused on its “white brow” instead of its more striking pastel coloring is anyone’s guess, but this bird is certainly beautiful and has become a favorite of nature lovers everywhere.

The white-browed tit-warbler can be found in boreal forests and high-altitude regions in Asia, including centra China, Russia and the Himalayas. They are known to be foragers who eat a diet of insects found under roots and rocks.

While it may be hard to find one in real life, there are plenty of photos of this colorful bird you can enjoy.

What a gorgeous bird! Spread the joy by sharing these amazing photos!