Meet Nubby: The Two Legged Boxer Puppy Who Became a Loving Foster Sibling

When Lou received a call about a baby Boxer born without front legs needing a home, she didn’t hesitate.

She immediately set off to pick up the puppy, even though her husband Mark wasn’t entirely sure what was happening.

Once he held the puppy, named Nubby, Mark knew they had to do everything they could to help him thrive.

A Rocky Start

The first night with Nubby was challenging. Mark recalled to The Dodo, “Our first night with Nubby was horrible. We got up every hour. You know, we took turns. I had twins; I’m used to taking one shift.” Nubby’s initial health scare landed him in the ICU, but his fighting spirit saw him through to a full recovery.

Determined to give him the best life possible, Lou and Mark set out to make Nubby’s new home comfortable and enjoyable.

Building a New Life

From the start, Nubby didn’t let his disability hold him back. Lou and Mark built a LEGO wheelchair for him, and he quickly adapted, scooting around the floor.

His resilience inspired the couple to turn his exercises into fun adventures, which helped strengthen his back legs. Over time, Nubby learned to stand and even jump on his hind legs.

“He figured out that he could launch himself and jump. It’s as if he is not missing anything. He’s just like, ‘This is how I do it. This is how I roll’,” Lou and Mark shared.

Despite not liking his initial wheelchairs, positive reinforcement helped Nubby become more comfortable using them occasionally.

Becoming a Foster Sibling

As Nubby grows up, he is surrounded by love from his human family and dog siblings. One day, Lou and Mark rescued a pregnant dog who gave birth to six puppies. Nubby was thrilled with the new additions, becoming a playful and caring older sibling.

“It doesn’t matter how many legs he has or where he is; he is just happy. Just because you have a limb difference, or just because you are different, period, doesn’t mean that you don’t have a quality of life, and he teaches that every single day. He doesn’t give up… He gives hope to many people,” Lou and Mark concluded.

With Nubby as their role model, this adorable litter will grow into strong, happy pups, ready to find their loving families and live their best lives.