Man Chops Off Dog’s Front Legs But Dog Gets New Legs & Learns To Run Again

Cola was just a 9-month-old puppy living in Bangkok when he saw the worst of humanity.

Cola’s vindictive neighbor wanted to “punish” him for chewing his shoes, so he used a sword to hack off Cola’s front legs and left him to die.

The vile man threatened Cola’s mom when she tried to protect her dog.

Cola’s helpless owner took him to the “Soi Dog Foundation” for emergency care. But the vicious wounds had left the poor dog fighting for his life.

After struggling with septicaemia for weeks, Cola finally pulled through.

As Cola was trying to get used to his life as a disabled dog, a disturbing piece of news broke his heart again. His abuser got away with the crime with just one month of imprisonment, and Cola’s life was in danger again.

However, Gill Dalley, one of the founding members of Soi Dog Foundation, came forward to rescue Cola.

Gill, who is a double amputee herself, adopted Cola and promised to turn his life around.

She took him to her prosthetist, Bengt Soderberg, and requested him to craft a pair of custom prosthetic legs for Cola. Bengt, who had never worked for animals before, agreed to help Cola for free.

After many fittings, Cola finally got his custom-made carbon fiber prosthetic legs. The dog was running happily within seconds of wearing his new legs!

This lightweight prosthetic is modeled after the ones used by Paralympic sprinters, and it has silicon sockets that provides maximum mobility.

Thanks to Gill and Bengt, Cola is living the best life despite his debilitating disability.

His abuser might shamelessly run free, but he still stands defeated as he failed to demolish Cola’s invincible spirit! Go Cola!

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