Joyful Baby Elephant Enjoys Playtime with Favorite Companion

Khanyisa, an adorable albino elephant, was rescued by Adine Roode, founder of the HERD elephant sanctuary and orphanage in South Africa.

Upon arrival, Khanyisa was warmly welcomed into the Jabulani elephant herd, who embraced her as one of their own.

Under the loving care of sanctuary staff and elder herd members, Khanyisa has grown up happily. Recently, she was spotted foraging alongside her herd mates in the wild.

During this time, Khanyisa eagerly sought out her friend Timisa for playtime while Timisa focused on finding and pulling up roots for food.

Khanyisa, being mischievous, couldn’t resist trying to steal a few roots from Timisa’s collection.

Kumbura, their caretaker, stayed close to both young elephants, offering guidance and protection.

Adine and caregiver Tigere ensured Khanyisa received additional nourishment while Kumbura kept a watchful eye over both calves.

Pulling roots from the ground proved challenging for Khanyisa, who found eating leaves and grass much easier with her developing trunk.

However, with practice, she’s improving her root-pulling skills—a vital food source for elephants, especially during dry winters.

Tigere gently offered Khanyisa a freshly broken branch, encouraging her to learn the art of extracting roots.

Meanwhile, Adine, despite a recent cycling injury, interacted with Khanyisa, envisioning her growing into an elephant with majestic tusks.

Kumbura, rescued and rehabilitated within the herd, showed an unwavering dedication to nurturing both Timisa and Khanyisa.

As Khanyisa continued to enjoy her meals of branches and leaves, she eagerly demonstrated her growing strength and skills.