Instead Of Getting Help, Her Family Dumped Her As The Tumors Grew Bigger

When Libby grew tumors all over her body, her cruel owner decided to abandon her.

Thankfully, she was rescued and brought to a vet for testing. The results showed that Libby had mast cell cancer and was ineligible for surgery.

Libby tried to wag her tail, but the tumor on her tail was too heavy and prevented her from doing so. Despite her cancer, Libby was such a sweet and happy girl.

Her new family decided to let her live out her life instead of euthanizing her. The vet said she was not in pain and is still very active.

Libby showed her gratitude to her new family every day. She was so thankful for her second chance at life after her former owners dumped her just because she grew sick. They abandoned her at a time she needed them most.

Her new owners don’t know how much time she has left, but they are going to make the most of every day with Libby!

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