“Don’t Make Me Fight” He Cries Out Loud While They Bite Him All Over

Heartless monsters continue to use innocent dogs for their entertainment. Dogfighting still exists, especially in parts of the world where it isn’t illegal or the laws aren’t strictly enforced.

Sometimes the dogs used as ‘bait’ to train the fighters are dumped when they are severely injured and become a liability. Dogs like Phoenix fall victim to this every single day.

By sharing his story, we can bring awareness to a problem that still exists despite what people think.

Phoenix was dumped on the streets near Mexicali. His body was covered in horrific wounds. He was so skinny and scared.

His head had been bitten so many times that it was swollen beyond recognition. It was so swollen, in fact, that he could no longer open his eyes.

A woman, named Virginia, thankfully found him in time and took him straight to the vet. The vet confirmed what they suspected. Phoenix was a bait dog.

He also tested positive for Ehrlichia. He was extremely underweight and anemic. His liver was damaged as well. This poor baby needed extensive treatment… and a lot of love.

Incredibly, despite being mistreated and abused, Phoenix is friendly and loving. He wags his tails constantly, even when he’s in pain. But the vet doesn’t let him suffer and administers pain meds every few hours.

Virginia knew from the start that she and Phoenix were meant to be together. Through his recovery, she stays by his side. Then, when he’s well enough to leave the vet, she brings him home.

Phoenix still has a lot of healing to do but Virginia pledges to do everything she can to make his life perfect. She officially becomes his mom!

She tells everyone that when she first met Phoenix, it was as if they had known each other forever.

Mom and Phoenix live each day as if their past doesn’t define them because, in reality, it doesn’t. Too many people assume that bait dogs or former dogfighting dogs, need to be euthanized.

That they can’t make good pets. Stories like this one prove that this broad statement isn’t true.

Dogs like Phoenix undergo personality testing by professionals. If they pass, then they can be adopted out to loving homes. Please don’t assume that all these dogs are bad.

Passing this story along will show others that ALL dogs are worthy of a happy life. They just need to be given a chance.

Would you open your home and heart to a former bait dog or fighting dog? Remember, nothing that happened to them was their choice!

Scroll down to learn more about Phoenix. He’s one special boy!

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