Dog thrown down 22 story garbage chute, then the maintenance worker rushes to save his life

This may be hard for some people to believe, but there are some people out there who simply do not care if an animal lives or dies and they look upon wounded or sickly creatures as a nuisance that needs to be gotten rid of. The dog that you are about to meet is one such dog who found themselves in a difficult predicament and in need of help.

Patrick the dog was originally found barely alive and his long term prognosis did not look good. He was abandoned by a cruel and sadistic owner who refused to provide him with the proper care that he deserved and as a result, he was consistently left outside to starve.

When Patrick’s health started to fail, the owner did not bother bringing him to see a vet and instead decided to dispose of the animal by sending him down a 22 story garbage chute. Luckily, a helpful maintenance discovered Patrick in the nick of time and he was saved from the trash compactor.

Patrick was finally brought to a New Jersey animal hospital and from there, his story would finally take a much needed turn for the better. The emaciated dog was in bad shape, but somehow, someway, he had made it through the worst part of his ordeal.

An incredible transformation started to take place once Patrick had the proper care and best of all, his former owner was formally charged with abandonment and neglect and it is our most sincere hope that he was punished for these crimes to the fullest extent of the law.

Patrick would soon become happy and playful again and the administrator of the animal hospital made the decision to adopt him. If this classic rags to riches tale made you smile, then be sure to spread the love and share it with your friends and family members.