Dog Groomer Takes Internet By Storm With Adorable Pomeranian Haircut Videos

A talented and innovative dog stylist has taken the internet by storm with his extraordinary skills in styling Pomeranians.

Mehmet Gunes is a professional dog groomer, trained in Moscú. He lived in Paris and styled dogs all over the world. At his salon @petstylistt, furries get groomed, primped, blow-dried, and washed.

Known for his flair and imagination, Mehmet has turned the grooming process into an art form.

The popularity of Mehmet’s work has skyrocketed on TikTok, with over 35 million likes. In these delightful videos, Mehmet showcases his expertise by transforming furry clients into walking balls of cuteness.

Many viewers are shocked at how calm the pooches are in the videos.

“Super well trained and cooperative teddy bear,” one commenter wrote.

Others are simply blown away by the joy and happiness the videos bring to them.

“I DIED of cuteness,” another wrote.

Overall, Mehmet’s dog grooming videos provide a delightful escape from the challenges of daily life, combining cuteness, care, creativity, and relaxation.

So, if you want more cuteness overload, follow @petstylistt on TikTok.