Despite the challenges, we are proud parents of ten incredible children. Our love knows no bounds and our family is our greatest treasure.

They now have ten children after the mother gave birth to three sets of twins. According to physicians, the likelihood of this happening is one in two hundred thousand.

Kimberly and John Alarcon, both 37 years old and from New York, are the parents of ten children: nine of their own biological children, three sets of twins, and John’s nephew, whom they are also parenting. Although it is difficult to care for so many children, they view it as a favor and say it is conceivable that they will have additional children in the future.

“It is extremely difficult to feed ten individuals, and actually twelve including myself and John. Each day, we consume an entire loaf of bread and nearly two liters of milk. We spend between $3,000 and $4,000 per month on food. I don’t know how to do it!” Kimberly said. Additionally, the reality that John eats differently than the rest of the family creates complications.

Brittney is 18 years old, Sarah is 14 years old, Hunter is 10 years old, Zoey and Zachary are 7, Olivia and Oliver are 4, King is 3, and Kenzy and Kenzley are 9 months old. Despite the fact that Kim’s family on her father’s side has a history of twin pregnancies, they were always astonished to learn they were expecting another set of twins.

John explained, “The birth of our first sets of twins came completely out of the blue, and at the time, our lives were in disarray.”

They had previously resided in a three-bedroom apartment, but because they required more space, they purchased a five-bedroom home. Everything was going well until Kim became expectant with a second set of twins. They were expecting triplets for the third pregnancy, but the third child was lost relatively early.

“Many people criticize us or look down on us due to the fact that we have ten children. They perceive it as a burden, but we view it as a boon. John says, “We are extremely grateful for what we have.”

Kim is a cosmetologist and hairdresser, and John is a detective; however, many people believe that they rely on public assistance, and a number of individuals criticize them, which is very unfortunate for the mother. What hurts her most is when people make cruel remarks about her appearance, such as inquiring what her spouse sees in her and asserting she must be blind.

However, the criticism and cruel remarks are incidental, and the family leads a very happy life, despite the fact that they face new obstacles every day. Kim and John share the duties so that they can both get some rest, and they claim to have a regimen, although they don’t always follow it.

When the entire family travels together, it typically takes an hour before everyone is ready to leave the house. Nonetheless, they try to take as many of these excursions as possible, and when they can, they also dine out together, which Kimberly greatly appreciates because it relieves her of the burden of cooking and dishwashing.

Regarding the cruel remarks, the mother believes that they only made her stronger, so she is thankful for the criticism.