Despite her challenges, this little fighter is showing incredible strength. Let’s all send love and positive energy her way

Her whole body weighs less than 2kg, after 3 days of birth, she had to be transferred from a provincial hospital to a Cardiovascular Center, E hospital to prepare for surgical intervention.

That poor boy is Ly Duc Sieu, whom we went back to the hospital room to visit after the sharing of Dr. Tran Dac Dai – Head of Pediatric Cardiology Department, Cardiovascular Center, E hospital. We could not hide our concern. With concern on his face, Dr. Dai emphasized: “Super is one of the two pediatric patients at this time that worries us the most because he is so small and the pathology is complicated.

After he was born, his whole body was full of worries. Cyanosis, weak crying, so she was urgently transferred from Ha Giang hospital to this place.Through the scan results, the ultrasound showed that she had a ventricular septal defect and type 2 pulmonary atrophy.

Specifically: Large periventricular septal defect spreads under the aortic valve. The state of complete atrophy of the pulmonary artery, confluence and 2 pulmonary branches. The treatment for her will be diagnostic cardiac catheterization, BT shunt bypass surgery.”

The boy Ly Duc Sieu was born with a congenital heart disease and atrophy of the lungs.

The disease, which had complicated the boy’s frail health, became even more dangerous. Looking at him lying in his mother’s arms, the boy looked small, purple with wrinkled skin like a small cat. Unable to sleep peacefully, Sieu constantly cried and cried because she was in pain and was always uncomfortable in her body. Looking at her child, Tran Thi Phuong also cried, crying: “How can I save my child now, sister?”.

At the age of 23, Phuong became a mother for the first time, and it was also the first time she set foot in the capital, so she was surprised and confused in everything.

I was in pain, I cried, I could only hold the baby close to my chest but there was no milk to comfort me because my mother had nothing to eat. Bowing, embarrassed, Phuong said: “Fortunately, there is porridge that the hospital allows me to endure, but I’m not sure I’m starving.”

Born and raised in a village, Phuong and her husband also worked hard in the fields but only had enough to eat. Now they come to Hanoi to treat their children’s illnesses, they do not have a dime in their hands. As anxious as sitting on a fire, Phuong’s husband, Ly Van Viet, kept calling to borrow money but couldn’t, so he was embarrassed to come and see us in his child’s hospital room. I just stood there, staring at the distance as if trying to find a way out for myself but couldn’t.

On the hospital bed, Sieu was still crying constantly, but her voice was only soft and unclear. The boy was probably exhausted from the tears that flowed from his mother’s eyes. 20 days old, she is too young to be able to cope with the tormenting heart disease. And then the surgery of the child will take place or not, depends on whether the family can borrow money to pay for the treatment. That big question, my parents all have the answer but do not dare to accept the fact that the child will surrender to fate because first of all because of the word poverty and the word suffering…

“The boy’s case is really too difficult, his parents are too poor to have any money. In front of this patient, it is really dark with no way out, so we want to help you. You join hands to help the baby”, and being present at the hospital room to visit her, Master Luu Hoang Linh – Deputy Head of Social Work Department, Cardiovascular Center, Hospital E was afraid to confide when her eyes did not dare to move. Baby Super even just a little bit.

Super was still lying there, her eyes slightly closed and half asleep, occasionally raising her tiny hands to wave in the air looking for a safe place to cling. The crying still echoed through the pale body and the breathing was difficult. I love you so much Super, I’m too young to feel anything around me, only my heart beating out of rhythm is painful and sobbing. “Please, brothers and sisters, save my children” – Phuong’s voice still rang in my ears like an obsession when we said goodbye to the hot sun in the middle of the capital on a summer day.