Dachshund’s Tumor Grew For 13 Years, But Her Owners Continued To Ignore It

Boo Boo, a 13-year-old Dachshund, has a beautiful second chance at life after she received a life-saving surgery to remove a 3.2-pound tumor that hung from her side.

The tumor was believed to be a mammary tumor, which likely formed because she was never spayed. She was sadly dropped off at a city high-kill shelter after her previous owners failed to care for her.

Her owners saw the tumor growing bigger and bigger as time went on, but simply ignored it and never brought her to the vet to be examined. The tumor eventually grew so big that it started dragging on the ground.

Muttville Senior Dog Rescue in San Francisco ended up taking her in because they knew she would never make it out of the shelter alive with a tumor like that unless it was properly removed.

Thankfully, the tumor ended up being benign, but it still needed to be removed as it was painful and very uncomfortable for Boo Boo.

The surgery was a success, and Boo Boo is now not only able to walk but can run like the wind! It’s such a relief to no longer have the extra weight hanging from her little body.

Boo Boo has been given a beautiful second chance at life, and now she even has a new forever home!

Her new mom, 26-year-old Ashley Shuster, saw Boo Boo’s picture on the Muttville rescue’s website and fell in love with her immediately. She says that Boo Boo is such a happy dog and loves every single person she meets.

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