Bear found trapped on Arizona utility pole

That’s a bear-y tricky situation.

A bear got stuck high up on a utility pole in Arizona on Monday morning — but managed to escape unscathed with the help of an electric company worker.

Utility company Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Cooperative was notified of the trapped bear in the city of Wilcox and dispatched company lineman Werner Neubauer to aid the animal.

Neubauer immediately disabled the electricity and ascended up to the bear in a bucket lift.

“Alright, little bear. Time to get off this pole,” Neubauer told the bear, according to video footage of the rescue.

“I know he couldn’t understand me. But it did get his attention,” Neubauer later told The Associated Press.

The worker used a 8-foot fiberglass stick to goad the bear into climbing down.

The bear bit and grabbed the stick, but eventually went down on its own and ran into the desert without injury.