Antony’s unique fashion sense sets him apart from other footballers

Confidence, it’s all about confidence. And Antony Matheus dos Santos – Antony for short – has it in spades, eyeing up not just glory on a domestic or national level, but on a personal level. It’s rare to be that upfront about wanting to be the best in the world, yet having spent time with the 22-year-old recently, you wouldn’t put anything past him…

Brazilian Antony, who cost £82 million when he joined the Premier League, doesn’t seem to have been phased by the fact that he’s already scored three goals in six appearances. Domestic play is currently on hold, however, as all focus is on the World Cup, where a call-up to the national team squad is expected to enable him to realize a lifelong dream. dream? Let’s face it, everyone in the collective world of professional football aspires to be world champions. Instead, it is a target for Antony, one of many places he has planned to visit along the way, along with a brief stop at a station called Ballon d’Or.

As the saying goes, aim for the moon and if you miss you end up in the stars, and for that reason, you have to give the 22 year old credit when it comes to his aspirations. His was a difficult beginning, but through determination and grit, he’s well on his way, having found success with Ajax before his switch to Old Trafford. And while some criticised his showboating in the Europa League, it’s all part of the Brazilian package that is Antony, which comes with the backing of one of his compatriots and icons, Neymar. Not that he needs a confidence boost, but sure he’ll take it all the same.

So that’s what the world has seen so far; an explosive introduction to a potential superstar of the future. But what of the man behind the player? That’s what we wanted to get to know a little bit better about when we caught up with the PUMA man recently, as we spoke about his beginnings in the game, his idols and what it was like to arrive at Old Trafford, among many other things.

When you were a child, what inspired you to become a football player?

My biggest inspiration was my brother. I think it all started with him, he was who would take me to the pitches. It was him who showed me my first football. It was him I kicked the ball with first. I always had a love for it but the connection with him, helped that love for the game grow. It all came from my brother and my family.

Have those early memories really stayed with you over time?

Yeah, football was with me from the crib. As soon as I was born. It’s a real passion – I’ll always remember those pitches we would go to play at. They’re happy memories.

You’ve landed in England and taken the stage, but for those who don’t know you, how would you describe yourself in five words?

I would say, humility, persistence…I’m very persistent. Strong. A fighter. And…one more…I’m determined. There’s lots of words I would use and others could use to describe me but those are for me, what I am focused on being as a person.

Tell us something people don’t know about you…

There’s a lot of personal stuff people don’t know but I think very few people know this…When I was born, either my mum or I could have died, and no one knows that. I was also born two months early. That’s something few people know. We all have our stories. That’s something personal that not many people know about me.

To get to this level, that drive has got to be intense. What motivates you to keep improving, every day?
Firstly, I see myself as a very driven person. I’ve always been very driven. One of the things that drives me more and more is seeing my son and the way he looks at me. Seeing him and imagining his future, that is the biggest motivation for me. He is my biggest motivator towards success in life.

What else do you still want to achieve?

There’s a lot I want to accomplish. I’m still only 22 and I have many dreams and desires. There’s many things I want to accomplish. I have to say it aloud because I dream big and I know I can get there; I want it on record that one day I’m going to be the world’s best player.

Puma’s latest campaign, ‘Generation Fearless’, how does that match with your mind? What are you afraid of?
I’m not afraid of anything. It’s a perfect campaign for me. [laughs]

What did you imagine your life would be like here in England before you came to the country? What did you dream or imagine it would be like?

I always dreamed of playing in the premier league one day. When it all worked out for me to come to England, it was something I had always wanted so it was a very happy time for me. I’m still getting to know the city, the places here, but I’m sure that soon, I’ll know it all and will have lots to say about the city.

You said you’ve dreamed of the Premier League since you were a child…tell us about that?
Always, yeah, I always watched it, and now I’m fulfilling my dream even more so in a team as big as United. It’s a dream come true.

Lots of people look up to you nowadays, you’re lots of peoples’ idols. Who were your childhood idols?

Firstly, I’m proud to set an example, to be an idol to some children. It really moves me, and motivates me too. As a child, I watched Ronaldinho Gaúcho a lot – the way he dribbled, his skills, he was someone I really looked up to in awe of with great respect.

There was massive support for you when you came to United. How did it feel to be welcomed like that?
I was firstly very grateful, very happy to get this chance. Thank you to everyone who welcomed me. Especially the way they did. So, when I step on the pitch, I give 100 percent for all those people.

When you score a goal, what do you feel, like literally, how does that feel?

That this is what you love, adrenaline, what do you feel when the ball goes in the net? I get a rush of feelings, but not just when I score. Just walking onto the pitch, what motivates me is remembering where I’m from, everything I’ve been through, and seeing friends who used to watch TV with me, now watching me play on TV.

What do you love most about football?

What I love most about football…It would have to be the joy, the overall feeling of football. It’s a game that is so important to all of us, so that would have to be the thing for players the buzz, the atmosphere, the people on the sidelines, everything we love.

How did it feel, the first time you set foot in one of the most iconic stadiums in the world like Old Trafford?
It felt like an achievement, it’s such a historic stadium, where so many legends and stars have played. So, being able to play there today and wear the United shirt it’s very fulfilling for me. So I hope to play at the stadium more and more, and make history.

“I want it on record that one day I’m going to be the world’s best player.”

How has it been for your family in Brazil, watching you have this moment?

It’s a dream come true for me and my family, they know how much I fought, and am still fighting, to make this dream come true. So now they see that I’m playing for United, one of the best teams. Seeing how happy everyone is also feels like an accomplishment to me.

Who were the key people who helped you get where you are today?

I always say my parents and siblings. They were key to me getting here, and experiencing everything I’m experiencing now, because it was in the hard times that we pulled together, so definitely my parents and siblings.

You were just talking about how far you’ve come and mentioned legends…Do you think you can make it to the very top of the game in that way too?

Absolutely. I don’t settle into my comfort zone, I don’t like doing that. I’m always trying to learn, setting new objectives and working towards them. Like I said, I’m 22 I’m young and I still have a lot to achieve

Going back to the PUMA campaign, what’s your relationship with fear like?

I always say that I look for challenges, I like to face them head-on. I had a very hard childhood, so I don’t really feel intimidated on the pitch. I’ve been through really hard times and I like facing a challenge.

What does “living in the moment” mean to you?

To be present. Taking each day as it comes, experiencing the opportunities you’re given. I always say I take things one day at a time, see what today brings, enjoy the day, because tomorrow is a new day and we’ll approach it the same way.

“Wearing the Brazil shirt is a dream come true. Every day I dream and picture winning the World Cup.”

And now you’re playing for the Brazilian national team, like lots of the players you’ve looked up to. What do you hope to achieve for Brazil? What does that mean to you to be on the team?
Wearing the Brazil shirt is a dream come true. I’ve watched the Brazil team since I was young, and now I’m privileged enough to be on the team to take part, be in the midst of it. Every day I dream and picture winning the World Cup.

On that point…What are you expecting for the World Cup?

My expectations couldn’t be higher, or my nerves. I’ve even set the World Cup as the lock screen on my phone, to start to get used to the idea of bringing it home.

Brazil is the cradle of football, worldwide. What do you think of that?

We all know the quality of players on the Brazil team. We all know it, and our joy, our style of play,  it’s not something you see on all the national teams, and it’s something we have. So, Brazilian people, our team, is the best.

How does it feel to score a goal for the Brazilian national team? Is it even more special?
Definitely! I was privileged enough to score the first time I played for Brazil. It was like a film playing in my head.

Neymar says you’re out there as one of the best, that he’d always bet on you. How does it feel to hear that from Neymar?

I’m very grateful, he knows how much I care about him and respect him. I mean, he’s Neymar, a star of Brazilian football, of Brazil. He’s one of my idols, for his skills, the way he plays, so I’m very grateful for the affection, his words.