Abandoned and solitary, suffering from a huge tumor in my heart, bearing a prolonged agony without ever seeing the sight

Conoce a Honey, esta es la pobre alma que Dumaguete Animal Sanctuary rescató hoy. Honey was abandoned in a serious condition with a larger tumor in her face. Estuvo con molestias during mucho tiempo ya que estaba hinchada e infectada.

“We are here with Animal Wellness radiographs to be safe if they are treatable. Our first analysis of blood revealed that our organs function well, but it is anemic. Then we discovered that the heart was tenacious.

The anti-inflammatories recipe lasts 2 weeks and will also work to increase the number of red blood cells. You need surgery and chemotherapy. There are many possibilities to live a normal and happy life!

Some people need surgery to extirpate the mass, followed by chemotherapy if it is cancerous. At the position of the tumor, the cirujanos must carry out the procedure in Animal Wellness, where the anesthetic gas is administered, where it gives Honey the highest probability of survival.

If you receive red blood cells after 15 days in the center, then there will be a transfusion. Therefore, the cirugía will be carried out soon after.

Day 19: Honey’s operation took place. Just before the sedan, the photo with Rina and Rudylyn. The procedure we carry out in Animal Wellness is that anesthesia with gas is more safe for more serious cases. If the tumor is around your brain, the procedure will be long and complicated.

Day 19: Honey’s cirugía is all possible if the tumor has created much of its facial and optical nerves. Unfortunately, the nerves that were controlled by the moment they were cut, took a little while.

The tumor was enormous and, as a result, the surgical herida is large. This is the poll, where it is a good signal.

You can live a normal life inclusive without exception. This is the only way to do it, but it’s important to know that it’s the operation and the inflammation, so that the doctors hope that the coma is more likely to happen than the situation disappears.

All this is done in the first stages of recovery from an invasive cirugía and the day that survives without complications is a bending. ¡¡¡She superó el procedimiento!!! Honey is considered critical, but it is despierta and breathable.

“Let’s recite the results of Honey’s tumor biopsy and unfortunately they are malignant. Doxorrubicina is the most effective chemotherapy treatment for the type of cancer you have. We must act quickly to prevent the spread of any cancer that may be present in the Honey system.

There is another tumor in the vagina, but the surprising notification is that the tumor in the vagina has been reduced to 60 by the time you start the chemotherapy and it has already taken place at the end of the sessions.

After more than 3 months, there has been an increase in weight and, in general, there has been a slight increase in the weight of low chemotherapy. This prognosis is due to the chemotherapy affecting the organs, but we are confident that you will recover completely.