‘A Very Magical Experience’: Homeowner Finds Abandoned Fox Cub In Backyard

Imagine stepping into your backyard one morning and finding an adorable fox cub!

This heartwarming surprise happened to one homeowner, who shared the encounter on Reddit, complete with photos of the young fox.

The homeowner explained that fox cubs are born each year under the decking in his garden, and he often sees them playing. Typically, these playful cubs scamper away when he’s around. However, this particular cub seemed to have been left behind by his family, who likely moved their den elsewhere.

Concerned for the little fox’s well-being, the homeowner called wildlife rescue. After an assessment, they determined that while the cub had likely been abandoned, it was old enough to hunt and fend for itself. They advised the homeowner to keep an eye on the cub and to call them if it appeared to be struggling.

Despite the initial worries, the cub seems to have found a sense of safety and comfort near the homeowner. The fox is cautious and ready to flee if there’s sudden movement, but there’s something truly special about the bond forming between them. The cub feels secure enough to curl up and sleep nearby, and occasionally approaches to sniff the homeowner.

“It is a very magical experience!” the homeowner said.