A rescued puppy, born with only two legs, seeks your help to thrive and seize every moment with enthusiasm, despite the obstacles

This beautiful pup may have been born without a lower half, but that doesn’t stop him from capturing the hearts of the world.

The Bonsai bulldog, originally from Fort Worth, Texas, has fans around the world due to his unmatched enthusiasm and passion for life.

The six-month-old pup was born with multiple rare malformations that left him with only half his spine, no pelvis and small contracted hind legs.

When he was still a small puppy, he was forced to undergo a bilateral amputation of his hind legs, but that did not stop him.

He suffers from multiple conditions, including a human ailment known as sacral agenesis (caudal regression syndrome) and sacrocaudal dysgenesis, presumably combined with a form of spina bifida.

Additionally, Bonsai was born as a walrus pup, meaning he was full of fluid which, combined with a lack of rear end movement, left him with swimmer’s syndrome.

Swimmer’s syndrome is a disorder in which the newborn puppy’s chest becomes dangerously flat and the working legs extend to the sides, putting pressure on the internal organs, Bonsai owner Elizabeth Hart writes on her page fundraising.

It is curable with time and therapy but there is no solution for the deformation of Bonsai’s spine and pelvis, the reason for the amputation of his hind legs.

Bonsai will require multiple in-depth examinations of his internal anatomy to help manage his conditions, including an expensive MRI and other complex imaging treatments.

Hart writes on the page that they have yet to locate a single documented case of the exact conditions of Bonsai being found in any other living mammal.

The next step for Bonsai is to get a set of custom-made wheels to replace his back legs and allow him to walk.

Bonsai has come a long way! Today he is six months old and we are very proud of his bravery and fighting spirit,” writes Mrs. Hart on her YouCaring page.

“He is a source of joy, optimistic outlook, compassion and sweet, fun humor for people who follow his path.”

“To our knowledge, there is no precedent for providing any kind of “forecast” or outcome for Bonsai, so we will take it day by day and handle any concerns that arise as best we can.