A red rainbow like this, have you ever seen it: What happened?

Everyone knows that the rainbow has 7 colors. However, have you ever seen a rainbow with only one red color? Let’s learn about this rare and interesting natural phenomenon. Oh, the rainbow is red, and only red? What happened?

Rainbow is known to everyone. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple – those are the colors we usually see in the rainbow.

Rainbows are born from the sun shining on water vapor after heavy rains. The sun itself has white light, which is a combination of the other 7 colors. When it hits the water vapor, the light is refracted and bent, creating beautiful bands of color in the sky.

In fact, even though the rainbow has a “reputation” of 7 colors, we rarely see the whole number 7. Sometimes there will be some colors “disappear”, even in some cases rainbows only Is there a single color as shown below?

The answer most recognized by experts is the position of the Sun. When the rain ends just as the Sun is setting, close to the horizon, that’s when a red rainbow can appear.

At this point, light will have to travel a very long distance through the atmosphere to reach our eyes. In the process, cool colors such as green and blue will be scattered due to the short wavelength. Warmer colors will be retained. The lower the sun, the brighter the red.

Because the position of the Sun is a determining factor in creating a red rainbow, you can only observe this phenomenon at dawn or dusk, when the air has enough moisture to form tiny water droplets. for conditioned light to reflect.