This looks like a stuffed animal, but it’s actually the cutest rabbit in the world

It’s easy to think that at a certain point, you’ve pretty much seen most things on the Internet that are worth seeing. But every now and then, something new surfaces that’s simply great.

This is one of those moments. This is something so adorable that its fluffiness is irresistible. Prepare yourself to meet Wally, the cutest bunny in the world.

Meet Wally. He’s an English Angora rabbit.

He lives in Massachusetts with his owner Molly. He’s less than a year old.

He loves to hop and jump around.

Angora rabbits are bred to have long and very soft wool. They’re one of the oldest domestic breeds of rabbits.

They were first bred in Ankara, Turkey, and then became popular in France in the 18th century.

Their wool is softer than cashmere! And they have awesome smiles.

Look at that fluffy bunny bottom.

Wally recently got a haircut. I didn’t think he could get any cuter… but he did.

He loves veggies.

And dressing up!

Molly and Wally are the perfect match!

Please SHARE this adorable bunny.