Heartbreaking Footage of Orangutan Trying to Fight off Excavator that is Destroying his Home

What is happening with the forests and the wildlife around the world is devastating and speaks a lot of us as humans and how we failed in preserving the Earth as home of every living creature.

The only thing the powerful multinational corporations care about is how to make more money, and the issues that come along the deforestation of large areas are totally ignored. Some of the problems that emerge by this processes are the imbalance of the ecosystem, erosion and sedimentation of the land, and most concerning of all the destruction of the natural habitat of large number of animals among which the endangered orangutans.

Recently, a video of an orangutan who was desperately trying to save his home was shared online and it caught the attention not only of the animal rights activists but of the ordinary people as well and left them all heartbroken. This took place in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, in the middle of the process of demolishing part of the Sungai Putri forest, which is a habitat of the endangered Bornean orangutans.

The creature tried to cling onto the excavator in hopes of stopping it to destroy his shelter. Unfortunately, the orangutan couldn’t go against the human machinery so he fell on the pile of cut trees he once called his home.

The video was shared by the IAR- International Animal Rescue who managed to find a place for the orangutan to stay.

The sad reality is that scene like these are likely to occur in any part of the world and at the moment they become more and more frequent in Indonesia. IAR also states that “Deforestation has caused the orangutan population to plummet; habitats are destroyed, and orangutans are left to starve and die.”

In the recent 50 years, it is assumed that more than half of the forests that are orangutans’ natural habitat have been lost due to logging operations and deforestation for the sake of establishing palm oil plantations and other money making projects.

Karmele Llano Sanchez, program director of IAR in Indonesia said: “Sungai Putri is home to one of the largest populations in the world, and we are at a critical point for the Bornean orangutan because without forests like this, they can’t survive”

And although IAR is fighting against the destruction of the forests with all their means, this issue has to gather attention from the larger public if we want to end up as winners against the big corporations.

Don’t those eyes speak about the devastating effects human actions leave on these poor creatures? Who are we to destroy somebody’s home and ruin their life? Are the animal rights activists and groups powerful enough to go against the governments that allow big companies use the forests for personal benefits of getting even richer?

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