Only Living Albino Orangutan Found, Rescuers Build Her A Special Island

An albino orangutan is one of the rarest species on earth. They are so rare that one recently discovered is believed to be the only known albino orangutan on the planet.

Meet Alba, which is the Latin word for ‘white.’ The beautiful mammal was rescued in April of 2017 thanks to the BOS Foundation and the Central Kalimantan Natural Resource Conservation Agency in Indonesia.

Since being albino puts Alba at risk for a variety of health ailments, such as hearing and eye issues, skin cancer, and vulnerability to hunting, she received her own island.

Along with three other primates, a private island is established for them to receive special care and attention. Thanks to 24-hour monitoring and security, the animals are safe in their environment.

Thanks to private funding and donations, Alba and her friends will get feeding platforms, security posts, and be provided with daily needs.

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