Enigmatic White Elephant Astonishes Visitors at Etosha National Park Oasis

In an astonishing display, a ghostly white elephant recently emerged from a desert oasis, chasing a herd of springbok at  Etosha National Park, Namibia.

This rare sighting was captured by Anja Denker, a 51-year-old visual artist and wildlife photographer from Windhoek, Namibia, who was guiding a photography tour at the time.

The elephant’s typically grey skin had turned a pale white due to the abundant clay in the watering hole at the Nebrowni site within the park.

The massive male elephant, seemingly in high spirits, charged playfully at the springbok, drenching them in water and mud, causing the startled antelope to scatter.

Ms. Denker, who documented this incredible moment, described the scene vividly: “The elephant had great fun splashing about in the water, flinging mud around and drenching a few unsuspecting springbok in the process, sending them scattering.”

Etosha National Park, renowned as one of the world’s premier wildlife destinations, attracts photographers and tourists seeking an authentic safari experience.

The park’s life centers around its desert oases, especially during the dry season from September to October, when elephants, zebras, lions, antelopes, and giraffes gather amidst the harsh conditions.

Ms. Denker reflected on the elephant’s playful behavior, noting how it stirred the water with its feet before leaving the oasis: “I loved watching his playful exuberance in his natural habitat. It seemed he was almost enjoying drenching the antelope while spraying around.”

Visitors to  Etosha are reminded to stay vigilant and remain inside their vehicles unless in designated camping areas with fences, as the region harbors many predators, some of which are well hidden.

This remarkable encounter highlights the unique and captivating experiences that  Etosha National Park offers, drawing wildlife enthusiasts from around the globe to witness its extraordinary sights.