Abandoned Pit Bull Stung By Thousands Of Bees Never Lost His Loving Spirit

This dog is finally getting his day.

Stinger, a deaf 10-month-old pit bull mix, is receiving some much-needed medical attention after being stung by thousands of ground bees on Sept. 5.

The pooch, who has been in pain for weeks, is finally starting to perk up, according to Luvnpupz, the Michigan rescue that is currently caring for him.
“He now wants to play,” said Carri Shipaila, founder of Luvnpupz, told The Huffington Post. “We took him for a walk and he was trying to chew on the leash and his butt was waggling.”

The nonprofit is also raising money to help with this medical bills.

According to Shipaila, Stinger was stung by thousands of ground bees after rolling around in an unfortunate spot. He had an allergic reaction to the stings and was taken to a veterinarian’s office, where his owner eventually abandoned him.

After numerous attempts to call and track down the owner, the vet eventually reached out to Shipaila, who picked up the pup on Sept. 19.

Shipaila then drove Stinger to her vet, where she discovered that he was also severely underweight and had sarcoptic mange, more commonly known as scabies, a highly contagious skin disease caused by a mite. Though Stinger’s original vet shaved Stinger to address his wounds, scabies also causes dogs to lose their hair.

“I don’t even know what the poor boy looks like,” Shipaila told HuffPost of Stinger’s lack of fur.

Yet despite Stinger’s suffering, Shipaila says he’s been a champ.

“He’s been a gentle, sweet boy, the entire time,” she said. “Even in pain all he’s wanted to do is put his head in my lap and kiss me.”

Stinger is still healing at Shipaila’s vet, and his medical bills are more than her rescue can handle. The deaf dog also needs to get special training in sign language before he can become fully adoptable.