Dog Went Blind And Kept Bumping Into Walls, So Woman Built A Device To Help Him

For Dorie Stratton, watching her 13-year-old Scottish Terrier, Scotty Boy, go blind was an incredibly heartbreaking ordeal.

Scotty Boy suffered from Sudden Acquired Retinal Syndrome (SARDS) that made him lose his eyesight permanently.

Within days, this happy-go-lucky pooch turned into a scared and frustrated baby who kept bumping into things.

One day, Dorie found a directionless Scotty Boy cowering in the middle of a room and crying out hopelessly.

She hated to be a mere witness to his suffering, and so she pledged to take proactive steps to help him out.

She built a device by inserting wire in a plastic tube, and fixed it around Scotty Boy’s head like a halo.

The “halo” proved to be highly effective as Scotty Boy’s personal cane, as it would alert him of walls and other objects and prevent him from mishaps.

And just like that, the sweet boy was back to being his jovial, playful self!

Dorie was amazed to see the wonders of her “crude” device, and she decided to help other blind dogs who experience similar depressing navigation troubles.

She founded “Halos For Paws”, and began working on sophisticated, customized vests to fit the proportions for different blind dogs, which were basically an upgraded version of her basic halo design.

Over the years, Halos For Paws expanded its customer base and shifted their attention toward blind cats and sheep as well.

Thanks to this wonderful effort by Dorie, several distressed animals have beaten blindness blues and are now living fear-free and fulfilling lives.

This brilliant woman certainly deserves everyone’s love and respect!

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