Dachshund Ballooned To 77 Pounds Before A New Owner Stepped In

Obie’s original owners were elderly, could not support an active lifestyle, and fed him out of love. This caused the Dachshund to balloon to 77 pounds.

It wasn’t long before a relative stepped in, and Obie was given to Nora Vanatta. Nora has a degree in animal science and immediately got Obie on a weight loss plan.

Here’s Obie at 5 years old and 77 pounds.

Here he is about 8 months later, down 40 pounds. He had surgery to remove the excess skin.

Just look at Obie now! Down about 50 pounds and looking great. 🙂

“I hope that he can be an inspiration to any person or animal trying to lose weight,” said Vanatta on Obie’s website.

An inspiration he is! What a tremendous amount of weight for such a small dog to lose.

His new owners said that with the help of two other active dogs and proper vet care, he lost all of that unhealthy weight.

He’s now a happy and healthy pooch.

Looking great, Obie! 🙂