Marcus Rashford’s Legacy – Empowering Youth Through Sport to Build a Better World

Marcus Rashford is a man with a plan, and that plan is to improve the world. To encourage future football stars at his alma mater, he recently built a brand-new football field.

Marcus Rashford is returning to the scene of the crime. Since 2016, Manchester United’s Marcus Rashford has made a national impact with his food poverty and literacy campaigns, which have helped millions of young people. With his latest initiative, he is paying it forward to the institution that helped shape his life.

The enthusiasm of Button Lane Primary School’s students for Rashford is palpable. A fresh painting encouraging children to dream, with Marcus at its center, brightens up the playground on an otherwise dreary autumn day, while hand-drawn portraits decorate the gates.

The affection between Rashford and Button Lane is mutual. To mark the beginning of his new multi-year relationship with Nike and his 24th birthday, MR10 has returned to his alma mater to introduce a fresh new football pitch, giving current and future pupils a better opportunity of following in his footsteps.

Someone who is motivated by civic pride may feel as though they have come full circle. On the day when Wythenshawe’s favorite son returned home, we chatted exclusively with ‘the people’s PM’ about his new collaboration with Nike, the importance of providing young people with access to football, and how his desire to create a better world was originally sparked when he was 10 years old.

VERSUS: You recently unveiled a brand new football field at your alma mater. How did you come up with the concept for this Button Lane development?

Marcus Rashford: I’ve had a lot of these ideas for a long time; I was simply waiting for the appropriate time to implement them. We have many hopes and dreams for the future, but getting there will require patience and careful planning. It feels amazing to be able to give the kids this facility today, and I hope they will use it and enjoy it for years to come.

How significant were football fields like this one to you growing up, and what benefits do they provide for youngsters like you in this area?

Having a beautiful place to play football means a lot to any kid who enjoys the sport. You’d never pass up the chance to play on a professional field, would you? When I was younger, I used to play football pretty much everywhere, regardless of the surface. Occasionally, I’d find a site that had a good pitch, but you weren’t always allowed to use it. I wanted to make something that students could use at school without any limits, because access has been an issue for a while.

I think kids in the region who aspire to be football players or athletes now have someone to look up to as an example of how to achieve their goals. My childhood experience in United’s academy made all the difference…I was able to constantly observe successful players who had gone before me. They show me what it was like at the pinnacle of success.

When I first started playing, it was just for fun, but at an academy, I got to meet others who started out just like me and made it to the top. You’ve followed in their footsteps, and I’m hoping that the students at this institution will be able to do the same.

I’ve always believed that those who are struggling should be given the chance to improve their situation.

Explain the significance of where you were raised and the lessons you learned.

I learnt firsthand how valuable freedom is as a child growing up in this country. Football was the primary means through which I was able to freely exercise my childhood freedom to play and express myself. No one has ever stopped me from being myself. Sure, there have been instances when I played somewhere I shouldn’t have been and received a reprimand from the community, but I always managed to go on to another venue where I could let loose once again. That’s a fundamental part of everyone’s formative years.

What does it mean to give back to this institution, specifically?

I’ve always wanted to accomplish it, and today is just the first day of making it a reality. It’s a big deal, for sure, but I know there will be more like it in the future. Because the world is dynamic and generations come and go, you can’t rest on your laurels and expect your efforts to bear fruit forever.

You simply said that this is your lifelong dream come true. When did you decide you wanted to use your visibility and influence for good causes?

I was very young when I pondered such matters. If you wanted to train at The Cliff in Salford when I was 9 or 10, you had to take a bus into town from right here on Button Lane, transfer buses, and walk another 10 or 15 minutes. Every day on my stroll, I’d notice something new, like a homeless person or someone who obviously needed some aid but wasn’t getting it. And you knew they wouldn’t ask for help since they wanted to figure things out on their own. I’ve always believed the less fortunate should be given a hand up to get back on their feet, and that’s a philosophy I’ve tried to live by.

Times are continually changing, therefore you can’t do the same thing over and over again and expect the same result.

You and Nike have collaborated on this pitch, marking the beginning of a new long-term working relationship between the two of you. What does it entail to sign a contract with Nike that spans several years?

It’s undeniably a fantastic sensation. Even before I was a part of Nike, I used their shoes and boots religiously, so becoming a part of the company has been a lot of joy for me. It was the best decision for me, and everything has gone smoothly so far.

You’ve been with the company since you were young; what do you attribute to the longevity of your partnership with them?

In my opinion, we are on the same page. We always seem to be on the same page, and I have no doubt that will remain the case.

My ultimate objective is to be able to leave something for the next generation, just like so many athletes and teams across a wide variety of sports have done with Nike. In that case, I really hope that we can work together to make some truly unforgettable memories.

Is contributing to social good alongside Nike a driving force behind your partnership?

Yes, unquestionably. While I believe that football and success on the field should take precedence, I also believe that it is crucial to give back to those in need.

Never be afraid to speak your mind, I was admonished…I still keep that with me.

How has the reception been to your off-the-field activity in the footballing world? What has been the most touching or surprising compliment you’ve received from a professional colleague?

I feel like everyone has been incredibly encouraging. Fortunately, I’ve had some comments from fellow players who want to know how I got this going so they can start something similar where they live. For me, that’s the whole point, because a global movement for incremental improvement is what will ultimately lead to revolutionary change. That’s the most positive result from this whole ordeal.

You’re setting an example for a new group of athletes who are using their platform for good. Why do you believe young people nowadays are so eager to make an impact with their voices?

I remember being encouraged to “be myself” from a young age. What I’ve learned from playing in the streets and at United’s academy is that you should never be afraid to speak your mind. It could be the sport of football, but the encouragement to “express yourself” or “try things” always seemed to sting more. That has basically become my own slogan.

The people have taken to calling you “The People’s Prime Minister.” What are your thoughts about that?

It’s unique! I’m not sure I’ve accepted this emotion yet, therefore I have trouble putting words to it. If you’re trying to do the right thing, then I don’t think it matters how other people perceive you. And I believe I am acting morally.

It was crazy to see the Obama connection earlier this year. We’ve never seen such a large crowd for a Premier League player before. Tell me about your impressions about that.

That was unquestionably a high point for me. He’s a smart guy, so whenever we have a talk I try to glean whatever wisdom I can and figure out how to incorporate it into my everyday life and future goals. The coolest thing about it was how laid back everything was. The dialogue was relaxed, which allowed you to take in more information.

“I want children to have faith and hope, and to feel that nothing can hold them back.”

There’s no way to avoid discussing the summer mural and the extraordinary reactions it elicited. How did it make you feel to see such a public demonstration of support? Seeing it on a screen is one thing, but seeing it in person must evoke entirely different feelings…

That really exemplifies the power of people coming together in their neighborhoods. I’m aware of the mural’s significance in Withington, but I can assure you that the backing we received from cities and towns across the country was equally as noteworthy. That’s where the power lies; in the way communities are banding together. Our nation will improve the more we work on these issues.

Hunger, education, combating prejudice, and engaging youth in sports are all issues that need to be addressed. We’ve seen a lot of your plans; are there any more challenges you hope to solve in the not-too-distant future?

It seems to go on forever. As I’ve said before, there are notable differences between each age; today’s youth, in comparison to my own, are far more assured. People in this estate greet me normally and stop to ask me questions as I walk down the street to visit my friends who still reside here. You can’t find that just anywhere, and it’s something I’ve always lusted over. When I come here, I am able to let my guard down and be myself, and the other people here feel comfortable doing the same.

We’ve set the stage to show them we mean business. They can see my vision because I’m simply a regular child from the same area as you were raised in. One of the kids I was talking to was sketching a microphone on the wall and exclaiming, “I’m going to be a singer,” which is exactly why I got into this field. I hope that young people can have strong convictions and aspirations without feeling limited in any way. My ultimate goal in life is to do anything I can to assist young people in realizing their goals.