Mom Of Quintuplets Whose Maternity Shoot Went feverish Is Now Showing Off Her 5 Babies, Has To Eat 6000 Calories A Day

After going viral for a gorgeous maternity shoot she did with photographer Erin Elizabeth Hoskins, Kim Tucci, who runs her own blog Surprised by Five, gave birth to the quintuplets – four girls and a boy – on Jan. 28. Now, making headlines again for her newborn shoot with Hoskins, which is equally stunning.

“Kim and her husband Vaughn have two gorgeous girls (aged 2 and 4) and decided to try for baby #3 (possibly a boy?),” Hoskins explained on her Facebook page. “They did not use fertility drugs, and were beyond shocked to discover that they were expecting a boy, along with four little girls…a one in 55 million chance pregnancy. Months later, here she is with her gorgeous little babies…each one perfect and healthy as can be. Kim endured an extremely demanding pregnancy, never wavering in her strength and determination to bring these babies safely into the world.”

Here are a few of the beautiful shots Hoskins took during Tucci’s pregnancy.

“It’s so lovely seeing all of the wonderful comments left by supporters across the globe,” Hoskins told “Kim, Vaughn, and their babies are an absolute inspiration, and it was a pleasure to meet their beautiful family.” She also shared that she is dedicated to helping the Tuccis achieve their GoFundMe goal of buying a new van to accommodate their whole family of eight kids all younger than 9 years old.