Against all odds: the mother who bet on giving birth to three sets of twins.

For baby sisters Rowa and Isla Rodger, who just became the third set of twins in their family, it’s double the sisterly love.

The girls, who were born two minutes apart, have Lewis and Kyle, 14, and Fi and Jυde, 12, to pamper them and help them through the tests of being twins.

Parents Kare and Ololi Rodger were told the odds of having three sets of twins were 500,000 to 1 when they found out they were expecting.

Ms Rodger, 41, was convinced the doctors were right in thinking it was a fairly likely prospect. “It never crossed my mind that it would be another time, but I am absolutely delighted,” she said. The couple from Lagbak, Refrewshire, decided not to find out the sex of the babies before they arrived at the hospital.

Ms Rodger said: ‘I was convinced that I was having two children. She still makes my head spin from the fact that there will be more girls in the house, people who will steal my shiny shoes and do my makeup.

Mrs. Rodger will also be flirting with the kids when her husband is away from home or working all next month.

She said: ‘It’s daυпtiпg but because the kids are a bit older, it makes it a bit easier.

‘They understand more and I’m going to need a lot of help from them.’