The Secret Of The Images Of A Woman Who Gave Birth To Her Son In The Sea

Viral images of touching Red Sea birth actually showed family bathing days-old baby with its umbilical cord still attached in the Egyptian waters for health benefits.

The father has claimed that incredible photographs purporting to show the moment a Russian woman gave birth in Egypt’s Red Sea actually show the baby being bathed in the water several days after delivery.

Because of the alleged health benefits, the baby girl’s Russian mother and Serbian father chose to wash her in the water with the umbilical cord and placenta still connected.

Onlookers in Dahab’s resort town caught a glimpse of a father carrying his days-old daughter from the ocean, escorted by a Russian doctor who was assisting with her care.

The mother follows close behind before the family are reunited on the beach in a touching scene.

She didn’t look like she was exhausted, lethargic, or even in pain as she calmly dried herself off with a towel and watched the doctor take care of her newborn.

The doctor is a well-known Russian water birth specialist. The mother had chosen a birthing pool for her delivery, but everything took place inside a house before the photos were taken.

The incident happened in October 2014 but the pictures were first uploaded to social media this week, where they quickly went viral.

The baby is carried from the Red Sea, umbilical cord attached and placenta in a plastic bowl. Waiting on the shore is a child, who is likely the sibling of the brand new bub. The family then appears to soak up the beautiful moment, while they take their own photos.

Then, as quickly as the mom gave birth in the sea, they all left the beach with the baby cuddled in the doctor’s arms.

Still, while it may not be recommended, this mom and her baby seemed happy and healthy following their incredible birth experience. We’re sure this one was just as amazing to experience as it was to witness.