An American couple thought to be having trouble getting pregnant gave birth to twins and triplets in just two years.

A couple who were told they would struggle to have children went on to have twins and triplets within the space of two years.

Nadia, 29, and Robbie Sherwin, 32 from Dallas, found themselves unable to conceive for a year after they married in 2012. Immediately after being married, the couple started trying for a child. Though they were both young, fit, and healthy, doctors were worried when they didn’t succeed.

Doctors found Mrs Sherwin had polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and 37 cysts in her ovaries, making it difficult for her to become pregnant.

Mrs Sherwin said: “I had eggs available but my body had hormonal imbalances causing me to be unable to mature eggs on my own.

“I felt so inadequate and utterly exposed. Knowing that I was unable to accomplish the one thing for which I had a deep sense of destiny crushed my heart.

“Robbie felt helpless as he was not able to fix this problem for me.. We clung to each other more than ever and only made it through by never giving up hope.”

In an effort to induce ovulation, Mrs. Sherwin’s doctors prescribed her oral Femara and Clomid medicine. The drug hadn’t worked after 11 months, and Mrs. Sherwin was left with severe side effects.

Determined, the couple decided to try an injectable hormone, Gonal-F, an option when ovaries can produce a follicle – small sacs which contain immature eggs – but hormonal stimulation is not sufficient to make the follicle mature.

The couple were thrilled to learn that her body responded well and Mrs Sherwin became pregnant within a month. The couple was thrilled to learn they were having twins at her first scan.

Mrs Sherwin said: “It was the most amazing and victorious feeling that I have ever felt when I received the positive pregnancy test. When we discovered there were twins after our first scan, we were overjoyed.”

Amari and Keona (now three), were born via C-section in January 2015, weighing 5lb 2oz and 4lb 3oz, respectively.

As the twins were 18-months old, they decided to take the lowest dose possible of the injectable hormone, with the goal of having just one more baby. When they learned Mrs. Sherman was expecting, they were surprised. Mrs. Sherwin was carrying three children instead of only one.

Doctors offered them the option of selective reduction for Nadia’s safety during the pregnancy, but they declined, knowing that they were destined to bring three more healthy children into the world.

Mrs Sherwin recalls: “We were shocked but confident that we could handle anything together. My very first thought was that this meant I would have to leave my job as a classroom Kindergarten teacher and stay home with all of the children.”

“We had a strong and indescribable feeling that each of these babies was meant to be on this Earth. We live our lives confident that God does not make mistakes.”

“Our triplet pregnancy was nothing short of miraculous.”

Mila, Colette and Noah were born at 35-weeks in April 2017, weighing almost 5lbs each. Despite being busy looking after five children, the couple wouldn’t say no to having another child.