Mother Who Gave Birth To Son Weighing Nearly 15lbs Says Already Eating Porridge And Bursting Out Of Size 9-12 Month Clothing At The Age Of Just Five Months

Alpha Stone Mitchell, now 24 weeks old, was crowned the third-largest newborn in the UK when he gave birth by caesarean section at John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. He was born weighing 14lbs 15oz and is now so big that he ate porridge and wore 9-12 month clothes – when he was only 5 months old. The current total is the first 10lbs and squeezes into children’s clothing sizes 9 to 12 months – not yet six months old.

The overall weight at this time is the first 10lbs, fitting comfortably in children’s clothes sizes 9 to 12 months—not nearly six months old. Cherral’s ultrasound at 30 weeks revealed that she was expecting a larger-than-average baby, and at 36 weeks, the baby’s bulge started to show. Doctors think that this is because Cherral has gestational diabetes, which causes Alpha to ingest sugary amniotic fluid while she is still pregnant.

The doctors, Cherral and her husband Tyson could never have imagined that their son would be born weighing more than a stone. The boy’s mother, Cherral Mitchell, 31, of Thame said her boy is now so fat and hungry that she has had to wean him and feed him soft foods.

Upon seeing him for the first time, I exclaimed, “Oh wow, you’re such a large baby,” and I immediately began asking the midwives how big he was. Tyson even had to return home to bring back some clothing for him that would fit him for 3-6 months.

One of the anesthesiologists told me that she had never not sobbed during labor until the birth of Alpha because she was so taken aback by his size. With a birth weight of 14 lbs 15 oz, Alpha is the third-largest newborn to ever be born in the UK, behind only George King and Guy Carr, who both reached the full weight. In 2013, 15lb 7oz.

I’ve had three kids before, and with Alpha, it felt like we’d completely skipped the newborn stage – and straight into him being three months old. Even now he’s wearing 9-12 month clothes, it’s a bit tight. He loves porridge and crackers – although most babies aren’t ready for solid foods until they’re at least six months old.

None of my children weigh nearly 1.5 times at the age of Alpha. Since Alpha is so long, he’s not much taller than his one-year-old sister, so people actually tell me “ah, you have twins. Twyla-Bay is only 10 months older than her brother, but Alpha’s weight is only 11 lbs less than her sisters.

Family members were all happy to welcome him back from the hospital, ”His siblings absolutely love Alpha”.