News of the World (2020) is an American Western drama film directed by Paul Greengrass, based on the 2016 novel by Paulette Jiles. The film stars Tom Hanks and introduces Helena Zengel in her international debut. Set in post-Civil War Texas, the film tells the compelling story of a traveling newsreader named Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd (played by Hanks) who embarks on a dangerous journey to return a young girl, Johanna (Zengel), to her surviving relatives. Along the way, they both face personal and external challenges, highlighting themes of survival, redemption, and human connection.
The movie takes place in the year 1870, when the United States is still reeling from the effects of the Civil War. Captain Kidd, a former soldier, now makes a living by traveling from town to town reading news articles aloud to local communities. His life takes a dramatic turn when he is tasked with escorting Johanna, a young girl who was captured and raised by a Native American tribe, back to her family. Johanna is initially reluctant to return to a world she has never known, making their journey even more complicated and dangerous. The unlikely duo must navigate treacherous terrain and confront various threats that stand in their way.
Tom Hanks delivers an exceptional performance as Captain Kidd, portraying a man who is both weary from the hardships of war and driven by a sense of duty and compassion. His character’s deep sense of honor and moral integrity shines through, making Kidd a relatable and empathetic figure. The relationship between Kidd and Johanna evolves slowly but powerfully, as the two characters develop mutual trust and understanding. Hanks masterfully conveys the internal struggles of a man who is searching for redemption while being deeply scarred by the trauma of war.
Helena Zengel gives a remarkable performance as Johanna, a girl caught between two worlds. Zengel’s portrayal of Johanna is poignant and captivating, as the young girl grapples with her own identity and the trauma of being torn from the tribe she grew up in. Her strong, silent presence adds emotional depth to the film, and her relationship with Kidd is the heart of the story. Zengel’s ability to convey emotion without words demonstrates her acting range, and she plays a key role in the film’s emotional resonance.
The cinematography in News of the World is stunning, with sweeping shots of the American frontier capturing the vastness and isolation of the landscape. The film’s Western setting is brought to life with authenticity, from the dusty towns to the rugged wilderness. Cinematographer Dariusz Wolski uses the landscapes to emphasize the characters’ internal struggles and the harsh realities of their environment. The natural beauty of the surroundings contrasts sharply with the violence and trauma that the characters experience, adding layers of meaning to the visual storytelling.
The film’s themes revolve around the search for redemption, the power of storytelling, and the importance of human connection. Captain Kidd’s mission to return Johanna to her family represents not only a physical journey but also a moral one, as he grapples with his own past and seeks to make amends for the wrongs he has experienced and committed. Throughout their journey, the film explores the idea that stories—whether written or told—can be a source of healing and understanding, bridging the divide between different people and cultures.
In conclusion, News of the World (2020) is a deeply moving and beautifully crafted film that combines elements of the Western genre with powerful emotional storytelling. With stellar performances from Tom Hanks and Helena Zengel, the film explores the complexities of human relationships and the resilience of the human spirit. Its exploration of redemption, survival, and connection makes it a timeless story that resonates with audiences, offering a glimpse into the challenges and triumphs of those who lived on the frontier.