Werewolves, directed by Steven C. Miller, delivers a gripping action-horror tale set in a world ravaged by the aftermath of a catastrophic supermoon event. A year after millions of humans transformed into bloodthirsty werewolves due to a dormant genetic trigger activated by the supermoon, the threat resurfaces as another supermoon looms on the horizon.
Wesley Marshall (Frank Grillo) and Dr. Amy Chen (Katrina Law) find themselves racing against time to prevent another apocalypse as chaos grips the streets. As their mission grows more perilous, the horror of transformation, the fight for survival, and the fragility of hope take center stage in this intense, edge-of-your-seat thriller.
Frank Grillo’s action-hero charisma pairs with Katrina Law’s steely resolve in this emotionally charged, action-packed narrative that explores the darkest corners of fear and survival. With its mix of thrilling action, horror, and suspense, Werewolves promises an unforgettable cinematic experience.
Slated for release on December 6, 2024, Werewolves is distributed by Briarcliff Entertainment and is expected to attract fans eager for intense storytelling, horror, and high-stakes action.