Enemy Mine (1985) is a science fiction film directed by Wolfgang Petersen, based on the 1979 novella by Barry B. Longyear. The film blends classic sci-fi with deep emotional and philosophical themes, including the nature of prejudice, war, and friendship. Though it was a modest box office success, it has since become a cult classic, known for its unique premise and the powerful performances of its lead actors, Dennis Quaid and Louis Gossett Jr..
Set in a distant future, Enemy Mine is centered on the story of two soldiers—Willis Davidge (Dennis Quaid), a human pilot, and Jeriba Shigan (Louis Gossett Jr.), an alien soldier from the Drac race—who find themselves stranded on a hostile, uninhabited planet after a disastrous battle in an intergalactic war.
The humans and the Dracs (or “Dracs,” as the humans call them) are sworn enemies, engaged in an ongoing war. Davidge and Shigan are both shot down and crash-land on a desolate, inhospitable world. At first, they view each other with intense hatred and distrust, as both have been taught to regard the other as “the enemy.” However, as time passes, circumstances force them into an unlikely alliance.
In the process of surviving together in the harsh environment, the two characters slowly begin to understand one another’s cultures and develop a deep bond of mutual respect. When Davidge discovers that Shigan is pregnant (the Dracs reproduce through asexual reproduction and gestation is carried out in a male’s body), he is forced to confront his own biases and prejudices. He becomes a reluctant caretaker for Shigan’s child after the alien dies in childbirth.
The film’s emotional core focuses on the evolving relationship between Davidge and the infant Drac, named Zammis (played by Barret Oliver). Davidge must ultimately navigate the complexities of fatherhood and bridge the gap between species to protect Zammis, while also struggling to understand the deep-seated animosity between their races.