5-Day-Old Baby Elephant Falls Into Deep Mud Pond, Mama Elephant Cries For Help

The Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) and Amboseli Trust for Elephants (ATE) were informed about a 5-day-old elephant who was stuck in a mud pool for hours.

The distressed mama elephant and her herd knew it would be dangerous to step into the pond that previously used to be a swamp. The poor creatures resorted to crying in hopes of alerting humans about the baby’s plight.

When the rescuers arrive at the mud pond, the elephants gracefully clear the way to let the rescuers do their work.

One by one, the men step into the pond and help dislodge the baby’s feet from the sticky bog. As they try to get the baby to the bank, he panics and runs to the other side.

The rescue team eventually uses a long strip of cloth to bind the baby elephant and maneuver him out. They combine their strengths and finally push the baby out to safety!

ATE director Soila Sayialel then overviews the baby’s health, and returns him to the mama elephant.

When the mama elephant sees that her baby is rescued, she is overcome with relief and runs to grab him. The rescuers think the mama elephant will walk away, but she starts waving her trunk at them instead.

The grateful mama actually stops to thank them for saving her baby! Elephants are one of the most virtuous and well-mannered creatures walking this planet!

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