“Skin & Bones” Puppy Devours Food While Chattering & Waggling His Tiny Tail

There is nothing more devastating than seeing an animal, who cannot fend for themselves, in such dire conditions. It reaches us on a level nothing else can. For one lonely puppy, it was evident that he had been on his own for quite some time.

When finally found, the puppy was nothing but skin and bones. But, despite all he had been through– cold, scary nights with an empty belly, not knowing what life had in store for him the next day, all the uncertainties– he meets his rescuers with a wagging tail.

The helpful humans pour a bag of puppy food onto the ground and he eats happily, talking up a storm and his adorable little tail never stops wagging.

Because he is so frail, he looks hunched over. His body is a sad reminder of what too many homeless animals go through.

The puppy’s rescuers carry him gently into their vehicle and bring him in for emergency medical care.

He has hundreds of fleas and ticks on his body. He requires IV hydration, antibiotics, and vaccinations.

The rescue group, Stray Dog Cha-am, works tirelessly through small donations, to get him the best treatment possible.

In two months, the puppy full recovers. He then goes on to a foster home. And then, thanks to the amazing rescue group, a family in Canada sees his photo online and falls head over heels in love with him.

The “skin and bones” puppy goes from starving on the streets to a loving home in a matter of months. Of course, so many people are part of this journey, as well as the little puppy who never gave up!

But this happy ending couldn’t have been possible without hope, determination, and love for animals. To see his journey, scroll down and play the video. Thank you, rescuers, for never giving up!

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