10 Of The Most Heartwarming Photos Of Preemie Babies That Are Finally Saying Hello To The World

Life can be absolutely amazing at times and incredibly difficult at other times. However, these inspirational images of premature newborns show that you shouldn’t give up no matter how bad things seem. These heartwarming images of happy premature newborns have warmed people’s hearts, and they will undoubtedly make you smile or cry. Each of these endearing images conveys an amazing narrative of the struggle and cherish, ranging from remarkable tales of recovery to images of trust. These preterm newborns may have arrived a little too early, but their adorable smiles and full cheeks are here to stay. Get some tissues handy and get ready to overload the charm with these priceless little blessed messengers.

First Contact

Look at how happy this little munchkin is. It’s no wonder because this is the first time ever that this baby has been held by anyone.

Dad was the first one to hold him and as soon as he did his son smiled and almost chuckled. This is such a beautiful moment between father and son.

Day And Night

This darling little girl may have been born weighing less than three pounds, but in a matter of weeks, she was a smiling happy baby. The differences between the picture taken on the day she was born and the day she left the hospital are like day and night! What a beautiful smile she has!

Meeting Mom And Dad For The First Time

This cheeky little munchkin may have had a difficult birth, but the minute he saw his parents for the first time he cracked a huge smile. It’s pretty amazing and almost seems like the little guy recognizes them. This happy little boy just couldn’t stop smiling. It’s no surprise then that after only a week in the hospital he was ready to go home with his parents.

Enjoying The Simple Things

He may not be able to sit up alone yet, but this baby is still enjoying life. Ever since his parents brought him home from the hospital this little guy has been having a blast.Even the simplest things bring this baby joy and it’s that happy attitude that inspires us. Welcome to the world little guy!

Happy Arrival

This little cutie pie is so happy to have arrived in this world. Despite having been born at only 33 weeks, she still had a smile on her face. While she may have started out with a bunch of medical problems, this happy little girl didn’t let it get her down. She quickly bounced back and made a full recovery.


How precious is this picture! It almost seems like this little baby is having a really good dream while having a nap in her father’s arms. According to the nurses in the NICU, this little girl always slept with a smile on her face and was one of the best-behaved tots on the ward.

Never Give Up

You wouldn’t know it by looking at how happy he is, but this little fighter was born at just 27 weeks!  While he has had a difficult road of recovery his parents say he never gave up. In fact, his amazing energy and smiles were inspiring to his parents who were overwhelmed by the situation. This charming little guy is a real fighter!

What Big Eyes You Have

Just look at how big and beautiful those eyes are! This little girl also has the cutest chubby little cheeks we have ever seen. Despite being born at 29 weeks, this baby girl was able to put on weight quickly and developed at record-breaking speed. We bet this little girl is going to grow up to be quite beautiful.

Peace Dad

Sometimes little babies can make the funniest gestures and this little preemie is no exception. A few days after being born too early this little guy flashed his dad the peace sign. The surprised dad immediately ran to tell his wife. Even though his wife and the doctors told him that it was just a coincidence, this dad is certain his baby was trying to tell him something.

Hi There!

Now that is a really big smile for such a small baby! If you have ever wondered what pure joy looks like then this is it. This happy little preemie couldn’t help but smile at his mom and it was so adorable! With those big eyes and smiles, we cannot help but be moved by this picture.