The tree trunk is on fire from the inside, it feels like the entrance to hel‌l’s gate makes you feel scared

The possibility of a tree being hit by lightning is quite high, but we usually only see the tree di‌e and dry up after being struck by lightning, rarely encounter the phenomenon of smoldering trunks burning inside and creating a strange image that makes people feel uncomfortable. It’s scary, but it’s very interesting. Here is one such tree.

Many people perceive it as a portal to hel‌l opening on Earth. However, in reality, this is the result of a lightning strike on a tree, The Sun reported.

Janis Melton captured this rare phenomenon in a park in Mississippi (USA). She then sent the photo to weather presenter James Spann, who continued to post it on his social media account.

And as always, netizens have “rushed” to speculate about what this phenomenon is right after it was posted.

Many people compare the trunk to the path into the Upside Down, a universe that exists parallel to the human world in the popular sci-fi TV series Stranger Things.

Some even commented:  “We found the door to the Upside Down, can we go inside and find Bard?”

Melissa Harper wrote: “Can’t decide if it’s Upside Down or hel‌l’s Gate.”

After some debate, Twitter user Joe Goodberry confirmed to himself: “It’s the gate to hel‌l.”

Some similar cases also look very mysterious…

Even if you are a brave person, walking in the rain, wind, and thunder may still feel fear and danger!