The surprising truth about the 4 mysterious characters on the K . card

In the hand deck, 4 K cards are said to be stylized images of 4 great characters who have a great influence on the world historical situation. They even hold many unprecedented records.

The K-card in the Western deck is believed by researchers to be a stylized image of King Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great (742-814). He was king of the Franks, later crowned emperor of Rome.

During his 14-year reign, Charles the Great conducted more than 50 conquests, conquering vast territories. Accordingly, this prince ruled more than half of the territory of Europe.

Charles the Great is the only king in the deck without a mustache because the chisel on the board engraved with his image accidentally made the chisel slip over his lips, causing this prince’s mustache to be lost.

Meanwhile, the card is widely believed to represent Gaius Julius Caesar (100 BC – 44 BC). He was an outstanding Roman military leader and politician who had a great influence on the historical situation of the world. He was honored as the “throneless emperor” of the Roman Empire.

Many people know Caesar when he once allied with Pompey, Crassus formed the famous “Alliance of the Triumvirate” in Roman history. Not only did he have a successful military career, he also played an important role in the transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire.

However, in 44 BC, Caesar was as‌sassinated. His death is said to be the conspiracy of many senators who have called themselves the Liberator.

The K card in the Western deck is believed by many experts to be the image of Alexander the Great (356 BC – 332 BC). The king of the Macedonian Kingdom was famous for his military leadership and strategy. He is one of the greatest generals in world military history.

During his military career, Alexander the Great never smelled defeat. Under his command, the Kingdom of Macedonia defeated many great enemies, including the Persian empire. Sadly, this prince di‌ed suddenly at the age of 32, causing many people to regret.

Finally, the K spade card is said to be an image of King David (1040 BC – 970 BC). He was the second king of the united kingdom of Israel, ruling Judah from about 1010 BC – 1002 BC.

King David is noted by many historians as an intelligent, talented king, a famous warrior, musician and poet. He is believed to be the author of many Psalms.