Hungry elephant flings woman into air after being taunted with banana

This is totally bananas.

A woman was flung to the side by an annoyed elephant after she teased the behemoth with a banana — and wouldn’t give it up.

Footage from the startling incident — which took place in an unidentified area in India — shows the unnamed woman holding up a piece of fruit in front of the mammal’s face as it tried to bite down.

The smiling soon-to-be victim took the banana away at the last second as the elephant drew near, prompting swift backlash from the large animal.

In a matter of 14 seconds, the elephant went from curious to cross, as it swung its tusks and trunk into the unsuspecting woman and launched her backward into the air.

“You can’t fool an elephant even though he is tamed,” tweeted Susanta Nanda, who works with the Indian Forest Service, in a post on Thursday. “They are one of the most intelligent animals to be in captivity.”

Some Twitter users were concerned about the woman’s well-being, while others condemned her for being a “fool.”

“Hope she survived the attack,” one person wrote.

“Scary,” another said. “Never ever disrespect any creature and intrude their rightful space.”

“That surely did hurt. Fool,” chided someone else.

“She deserved what she got,” argued one user.

Elephants are astoundingly intelligent creatures, as past footage has shown them peeling bananas with their trunks, but have also wreaked havoc on tourists and residents alike.

There have been past reports of elephants trampling people to death, charging at others and flipping over cars.

However, they’re mostly known as gentle giants.

The animals, which weigh thousands of pounds as adults, also have a sense of humor. Viral videos have shown them interrupting television broadcasts with their inquisitive trunks.

The latest elephant scuffle, however, comes just a day after a threatened tiger lunged at tourists in a video also posted by Nanda.